Church Notes November 2017
Remembrance Sunday
We meet at the War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday (12th November at 10.50) once again to pay tribute to those named on the Withiel War Memorial who gave their life for their country. The Collection will, as always, be passed on to the Royal British Legion.
This is the 99th year since the Armistice which forms the basis of Remembrance. The scale of the casualties of the First World War, and indeed the Second World War continue to shock. The effect on families and the nation at the time was truly significant, and continues to this day. As we approach the 100th anniversary, all we can do is gather, remember the personal sacrifice of all involved, and pray that it will never happen again.
Golden Oldies
Emma Peck, better known to some as “Cinderella” in the 2015 Pantomime, has taken on the organisation of the local arm of the Charity “Golden Oldies”. This Charity, founded by Grenville Jones in Bath, seeks to expand on the recent success of Choirs, and particularly in the time of Remembrance Sunday, the Military Wives Choirs. Golden Oldies by setting up what can be summarised as musical coffee mornings, encourages people to get out and participate. There is no attempt to raise money (though £2 for your coffee would be much appreciated). Instead, a sense of cheerfulness and well being is created by joining in the pop songs of the 60s and 70s. We all know the tunes, but the words are surprisingly evocative.
Emma staged the first event in Withiel on 20th October, and it was much enjoyed by those that attended. I can’t sing, and don’t regard my self as old or house bound, but it was a good and different way to spend a morning! The next event will have a Christmas theme and possibly mince pies. Please join Emma on Wednesday 6th December at 10.30 in Withiel Village Hall. There will be more details in the December Magazine.
Simon Coy