Withiel Village Hall Social Group: By popular demand, under our resident gardener Rob Wilson and his willing helper Charlie, with support roles from Erica Simpson and Stephen Horrocks, we have planted out fish boxes around the Parish, to brighten up our area.
Unfortunately, a couple of these went missing last year, but we are undeterred and have placed flower tubs outside the village hall gates, at the signpost in the village, at the Bosneives signpost, Ruthern bridge and at the Tremore signpost. Several kind local residents have agreed to help water and deadhead these, so we hope that they will look good throughout the summer.
If anyone would be interested in sponsoring a tub, either as an individual, or through their business, please let one of the Social Group members know and they will arrange this for you. We will be placing sponsor cards on each tub.
Donations will go to support the village hall refurbishment and a local charity to be nominated by Rob Wilson.
Kind regards
Stephen Horrocks
For Withiel Village Hall Social Group
Erica Simpson, Wendy Symons, Anita Dunstan, Rob Wilson and Stephen Horrocks
Contacts: Stephen: stephenhorrocks574@gmail.com, or 01208 832613
Erica: 07774 449377
Wendy: w.e.symons@talk21.com