Withiel Parish is greatly saddened by the news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II21 April 1926 – 8 September 2022 We would like to acknowledged her irreplaceable role in the life of the nation and in the...
Listen to the Moon
This book by Michael Morpurgo, set on Bryher, prompted a lively Second Circle discussion about World War I, the nature of the enemy and the importance of family and friends. When a little girl was found alone and barely alive...
Quiz Night – Friday 12 November
QUIZ NIGHT - Fri, 12 Nov 2021 - WITHIEL VILLAGE HALL 7.30pm first question — £3 pp — £7 pp with tacos To book your Table and Food: Christine Wilson - 01208 831 283 - c2b5w3@gmail.com ~ Tables of 4...
An Italian Education by Tim Parks
November 2015 This month I had to say, 'Sorry!' for suggesting a book that left most of the group unimpressed and a few rather irritated. An Italian Education by Tim Parks was so underwhelming no one finished it. Not a single person....
The Grass Is Singing by Doris Lessing
September 2015 We had a warm enthusiastic discussion of a bleak, dispiriting book. What made The Grass is Singing so impressive? It's the first novel of the Nobel Prize winner for literature, Doris Lessing. In an interview at the age...
Samuel Pepys: The Unequalled Self by Claire Tomalin
June 2015 Who was Samuel Pepys? He wrote a diary. But what else? He is one of those people from history I knew of but knew next to nothing about. This biography by Claire Tomalin went a long way towards...
The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham
Have you ever described an odd plant in your garden as a triffid? John Wyndham's novel brought the term into our vocabulary in 1951, and it entered the Oxford English Dictionary, rather late I think, in 1986. What is it...
The Round House by Louise Erdrich
March 2015 This month’s book represented a new venture for our group as it described Native American life on a reservation in North Dakota. The author, Louise Erdrich, has a wealth of experience from which to draw. Her German-American father...
Arthur & George by Julian Barnes
February 2015 George Edalji is a vicar’s son from Staffordshire. A quiet, precise person, he never really fits in with the local community, even as a boy. After qualifying as a solicitor, George begins work at a law firm in...
2015 Poetry Sampler
January 2015 We decided to postpone our normal Play-reading in January and instead it was suggested that everyone bring along a favourite poem, or two! Easier said than done for some of our group – how does one choose a...